space & FORM | piF
Journal issues | Numery
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- 2023
- 2022
Previous issues of the journal
Poprzednie numery
e-ISSN 2391-7725 | ISSN 1895-3247
License: CC-BY
CiteFactor 2019/2020: 1.90
Information for authors
Publication ethics
Information for reviewers
Declaration of availability
Space&FORM (e-ISSN 2391-7725, ISSN 1895-3247) is an international, scientific, peer-reviewed, open access journal presenting high-quality original articles concerning architecture and urban planning.
Space & FORM features
We are kindly inviting you to publish in the space&FORM journal issued by the Polish Academy of Sciences, Branch in Gdańsk, Commission for Shaping Polish Space and the Faculty of Architecture of the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin.
Space&FORM journal is a platform for communication between scientists, specialists from scientific disciplines related to architecture, urban and regional planning, sections: theory, architecture, the protection heritage and conservation of monuments, urban and regional planning, landscape, history, accessibility and digital cities. The journal is published four times a year, in the months of March, June, September and December.
The mission of the Space&FORM journal is the publication of the most recent research results and their dissemination through the provision of full versions of articles in open access. The journal is published since 2005. Since the issue number 10/2008, the full versions of articles are published via Internet website. Since 2011 all the articles are published in both, English and Polish language (optionally only in English in case of foreign authors).
The Scientific Board of the space&FORM journal consists of scientists from different countries >>>see the Scientific Board >>>. Each published article is double-blind reviewed. The list of Reviewers is announced once a year: >>> see the list of Reviewers >>>.
The journal is on the List of Polish Ministry of Education and Science (item no. 30278; Unique Identifier of the Journal 200499, according to the Annex to the Communication of the Minister of Education and Science of December 1st, 2021). Number of points: 2019-2022 = 40, 2023 = 70, 2024 = 40.
The editorial office does not charge any fees for the publication.
The journal is open access CC BY
Submit to Space&FORM
Via: e-mail:
Contact to Editorial Board:
The Publisher is represented by: dr inż. arch. Elżbieta Czekiel-Świtalska
West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Poland
dr hab. inż. arch. Klara Czyńska, prof. ZUT
West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Poland
(vice editor-in-chief)
Space & FORM features
- 40 points MNiSW (Polish Ministry of Science)
- Index Copernicus International: Journal Master List (ICI JML) – ICV 2023 = 100.00
- EBSCO: Academic Search Ultimate, Business Source Ultimate, Humanities Source Ultimate, Applied Science & Technology Source Ultimate, Sociology Source Ultimate
- Publications without costs for both authors and readers
- Presence on the publishing market of scientific journals since 2005
- Published regularly 4 times a year both in print and online
- Individual DOI number for each article
- Experience in publishing research on architecture and urban planning & interdisciplinary aspects
- International and interdisciplinary staff of the Scientific Council and the Review Board
- Indexed also in many other global and local databases (Arianta, BazTech, BazHum, Bazy Biblioteki Narodowej, bridge of knowledge, CEON, ICS journals master list, Library of Science, NUKAT, Polska Bibliografia Naukowa, Infona)
- Participation in the first edition of the "Support for scientific journals" program
- High Visibility: average visitor rate of journal web site is ca. 500 views per day & average rate of a single article downloads form the web site of the journal is ca. 400 during a year.
- 40 points MNiSW (Polish Ministry of Science)
- Index Copernicus International: Journal Master List (ICI JML) – ICV 2023 = 100.00
- EBSCO: Academic Search Ultimate, Business Source Ultimate, Humanities Source Ultimate, Applied Science & Technology Source Ultimate, Sociology Source Ultimate
- Publications without costs for both authors and readers
- Presence on the publishing market of scientific journals since 2005
- Published regularly 4 times a year both in print and online
- Individual DOI number for each article
- Experience in publishing research on architecture and urban planning & interdisciplinary aspects
- International and interdisciplinary staff of the Scientific Council and the Review Board
- Indexed also in many other global and local databases (Arianta, BazTech, BazHum, Bazy Biblioteki Narodowej, bridge of knowledge, CEON, ICS journals master list, Library of Science, NUKAT, Polska Bibliografia Naukowa, Infona)
- Participation in the first edition of the "Support for scientific journals" program
- High Visibility: average visitor rate of journal web site is ca. 500 views per day & average rate of a single article downloads form the web site of the journal is ca. 400 during a year.
We are kindly inviting you to publish in the space&FORM journal issued by the Polish Academy of Sciences, Branch in Gdańsk, Commission for Shaping Polish Space and the Faculty of Architecture of the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin.
Space&FORM journal is a platform for communication between scientists, specialists from scientific disciplines related to architecture, urban and regional planning, sections: theory, architecture, the protection heritage and conservation of monuments, urban and regional planning, landscape, history, accessibility and digital cities. The journal is published four times a year, in the months of March, June, September and December.
The mission of the Space&FORM journal is the publication of the most recent research results and their dissemination through the provision of full versions of articles in open access. The journal is published since 2005. Since the issue number 10/2008, the full versions of articles are published via Internet website. Since 2011 all the articles are published in both, English and Polish language (optionally only in English in case of foreign authors).
The Scientific Board of the space&FORM journal consists of scientists from different countries >>>see the Scientific Board >>>. Each published article is double-blind reviewed. The list of Reviewers is announced once a year: >>> see the list of Reviewers >>>.
The journal is on the List of Polish Ministry of Education and Science (item no. 30278; Unique Identifier of the Journal 200499, according to the Annex to the Communication of the Minister of Education and Science of December 1st, 2021). Number of points: 2019-2022 = 40, 2023 = 70, 2024 = 40.
The editorial office does not charge any fees for the publication.
The journal is open access CC BY
Submit to Space&FORM
Via: e-mail:
Contact to Editorial Board:
The Publisher is represented by: dr inż. arch. Elżbieta Czekiel-Świtalska
West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Poland
dr hab. inż. arch. Klara Czyńska, prof. ZUT
West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Poland
(vice editor-in-chief)